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cervical and
thoracolumbar spine

Ellipse 2 virtualis vr
Cervicalgia Rehabilitation

A new approach to the rehabilitation of the spine (cervical and thoracolumbar) is now possible: reflex and playful work of amplitudes, speed and fluidity (with the exercises [ReflexVR], [Whack-A-Mush], without apprehension thanks to the immersive side and the diversion of attention (management of Kinesiophobia) with virtual reality.
It is now possible to quickly and precisely evaluate joint amplitudes, where the goniometer was too tedious and random with the [Cervical Spine Amplitudes] assessment.
Just as the results can be transposed to everyday situations with, for example, the [SupermarketVR] module for progressive rehabilitation in an ultra-realistic environment.

And in concrete terms,
How's it going?

Let's take the example of a 40-year-old patient suffering from chronic low back pain (right posterior joint pain) with deconditioning on effort.

Cervical and thoracolumbar spine - Virtual Reality Rehabilitation - Virtualis VR

The protocol recommended for this type of pathology would be:

1First of all, the Physiotherapist carries out an assessment:

  • Global evaluation of posture, support zones with the balance sheet [ CTSIB]. (E.g.: demonstration of a posterior and right weight shift and a proprioceptive deficit).
  • Analysis of the amplitudes and thresholds of pain, with the assessment [Cervical Spine Amplitude] (Thoracolumbar Spine coming soon).

2Then comes the Rehabilitation phase:

  • Support can start with a relaxing software [Relaxation] and also by doing simultaneous mobilizations/stretching.
  • Then work by diverting the attention to another area of the body, for example the [Electric Path] exercise by gradually increasing the range of action.
  • The [ReflexVR] exercise allows you to work reflexly and at speed with your upper and lower limbs, gradually increasing the distances, closer to the ground, etc...
  • The postural and proprioceptive work of weight transfer (forward and to the left in this case) will be done in a reflexive way with the [Optical Flow ] then voluntary with the exercises [CDP Pursuit], [SkiVR ] and [BirdVR].
  • Once the patient has gained confidence, it is advisable to have him work specifically, but in a playful way, on the spinal area with the [SquatVR], [SpineVR], and [Spine RotationVR] modules.
  • Test of reflexes in everyday life situations such as when he picks up low items in a [SupermarketVR].

Some of the exercises mentioned:

Good to know:

A very complete set of exercises to treat neck pain.

VR Virtualis virtual reality headset
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