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Lower Limbs

Ellipse 2 virtualis vr
70-year-old patient operated on hip virtualis vr

Amplitude, speed, strength, proprioception are worked efficiently and sustainably with virtual reality.
The patient follows an analytical work plan or works globally in an open chain (with the [ReflexVR] exercise) or also in a closed chain (with [SquatVR] and [SkiVR]). Proprioception is worked on and improved in isolation with the [Optical Flow], [BirdVR ] and [SkiVR] modules.
Recovery times are reduced and patient satisfaction is increased.

Virtual Reality allows the rehabilitation of many pathologies of the lower extremities:

And in concrete terms,
How's it going?

Let's take the example of a 70-year-old patient who underwent hip surgery for PTH.

lower extremity rehabilitation virtualis vr

The recommended protocol of care for this type of pathology would be:

1First of all, the treatment of the physiotherapist starts with an assessment:

  • Perform a posture and balance assessment with [CTSIB].

2Then comes the treatment phase with the virtual reality rehabilitation carried out by the physiotherapist:

  • Open-chain muscle siderations would be lifted with the exercise. [ReflexVR]
  • Then work on voluntary weight transfer with the exercises [CDP Pursuit], [SkiVR], [ BirdVR ] and reflex with [Optical Flow ] as well as proprioception in a very effective way.
  • Revitalization with [ReflexVR] (gears, front and side slots, ...) and [SquatVR].
  • Parachute Reaction Test with [EscalatorVR]

Some of the exercises mentioned:

Go further with MotionVR ...

The Dynamic Posturography and Rehabilitation platform, MotionVR, allows you to work by setting the limits of amplitude and speed axis by axis, for an earlier recovery of the proprioception in complete safety and therefore with a saving of overall rehabilitation time. This work can be carried out for example with the exercises [SkiVR ] [BirdVR], [Motion Program] and [Walk VR ] (walking in rough terrain).

MotionVR Virtual Reality Rehabilitation - Virtualis VR
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